
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

SoulFood (9) The Present Persecution of Christians

      How serious is a video made by the leader of Nigeria’s Boko Haram? The man himself is no joke. U.S. government called him a global terrorist. They put a price of $7-million on his head. In the last six months Boko Haram has killed 2 053 people. So who are these thugs? Their name implies: “People who are committed to the prophet’s (Mohammed’s) teachings.” But even more bluntly it can be translated: “western education is fake.”
      So when this leader, Abu Shekau says, on video, to Christians: “we don’t care about that religion of yours,” he means a lot more than apathy. Nigeria is Africa’s most populous state. The northern half is Muslim-influenced and the north of the North is fanatically anti-Christian. When they hear him chant, at the end of the recording: “Christians, you are in trouble, Christians you are in trouble,” Nigerians take Shekau seriously.
      Go with me now to Mosul. The cowardly Iraqi army threw down their weapons and fled. In roared what we now call “Islamic State.” In just one weekend all Christians got this ultimatum: 1) Stay and convert to Islam; 2) Pay Islamic tax (which is too much for most families to pay); 3) Leave Mosul taking nothing but their clothes. Christians who stayed would be executed. And they were!
         Consider these mournful words: "Too many of us thought that forced conversions and expulsions of entire religious communities were part of a distant, medieval past. There was little that we could do to stop this horrible episode.” Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein, head of Interfaith Affairs at the Wiesenthal Center.
        Yes Rabbi, you and I could do little, but while our President fiddled with executive orders over birth control pills, the US military sat on its hands as Syria burned. Bombing a few trucks threatening a mountain isn’t going to cut it, any more than Bill Clinton’s cruise missiles did in preventing 9/11. If you are going to strike – hit training camps and supply routes. Hit very hard. Do it yesterday already!
        But I must also add that the USA isn’t the world’s policeman. In 50 countries where persecution happens, at least one event every 3 months, 27 of them are lands where its weekly or even daily in the last 14 days. More Christians have died for their faith in the 21st Century than in all the others put together. Can the US take on 50 countries? The Jewish holocaust is becoming small pickings by comparison.
       North Korea, armed with its police state forces and neighborhood spies, kills its Christians quietly and efficiently. It rivals the Muslim threat in numbers jailed and tortured.
       So the Western mind cries out for a solution. There isn’t one! Not in this present evil world. Jesus knew that from the beginning. He startled his hearers saying: “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”  Jesus predicted: “A servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also.” At least the situation is not yet at: “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.” He was right about the other. It’s only a matter of time!

     Love generously. Live boldly. Witness clearly. Die bravely. There will be enough grace for each of those.

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